They are fun most of the time but like any children they have their moments. Julia is 4 and can be very loving and can also be a little mean to her brother. Pepe is two and a half and like most kids his age he is very busy! They both WHINE a lot!! I am used to parents not allowing their children to whine but here they let them. It really attacks my eardrums!! But they also have moments where you wanna grab them and kiss them! They love to be tickled and have the cutest laughs. There are more good moments than not!
My schedule with the kids is like this:
8am- Wake up Julia, take her to the living room and put on a cartoon for her. That way she is distracted and wont protest what clothes I put on her. Then I give her a bottle(yes she still drinks milk from a bottle) with milk and some ground cereal mixture and a touch of Nesquik chocolate mix.
8:30- Off she goes with her father and I am left with a screaming Pepe "Papi, Papi!!!"
He calms down quickly thankfully.
8:30-1pm- Pepe and I hang out. Depending on the weather we either get outside, go to the park, play with toys inside or watch Thomas the Train, his favorite.
I am free from 1pm till about 7:30.
7:30-9-Bath(every other night) and help the parents feed them dinner.
I enjoy my time with the kids but I have come to the realization that when I come back to Seattle it is time to find a new career. I feel my candle of patience burnt out a long time ago and I don't enjoy taking care of kids as much as I used to. Don't get me wrong, its a great job but after taking care of kids for over 15 yrs I feel in order to gain back a desire to have my own children I need to take a break!
So I will enjoy my time here with the kiddos knowing that they will be my last charges for a time to come. It is bittersweet I know.
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