What have I accomplished in these two weeks? Let's see...
I have mastered the Metro system, signed up for Spanish classes that cost
more than I wanted to spend but will be worth it hopefully. I have made a few friends
and have had a couple social outings, I have adjusted to the time difference.
I am starting to get used to "Spain Spanish".(Much different from "Mexico Spanish") In fact yesterday someone called for Alvaro(the host Dad) and I was able to communicate and supply the caller with Alvaros mobile #. That felt pretty good I must say.
I am going to meet a guy named Gerardo who wants to do a language exchange. I am looking forward to
it because I definitely need the practice. Also tomorrow I am meeting with Choosas(Alvaros sister-in-law) brother, Ignacio, for an exchange. Hopefully these exchanges will give me a grasp on communicating without getting all nervous about it.
Today is my first day of actually feeling homesick. I thought I would not get like that but it could be the fact that I am home doing nothing and I am going to start my period in a few days, or maybe I am just missing home. Probably all of the above!
Tomorrow is a national holiday here. I am not sure which one I will have to ask. But there is supposed to be a festival in the city. It may rain so we may not go, we'll see.
I just Skyped with my Mom and when Emily comes over in a bit I will Skype with the both of them. That will be good!
Off I go!
My first outing away from Madrid at El Escorial in San Lorenzo.
October 11, 2008 8:39am(Seattle time)Saturday Madrid Spain(5:39pm)
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