What a fun weekend. I am so happy we were able to get away for a whole weekend and not just a day. Salamanca was so much fun and full of young people since it is a University town. The night life was spectacular as well which was the main reason we visited. Our youth hostel was a bit farther away from the city center than we thought but luckily was right on the bus line. I was impressed with the hostel. It was nice, clean, comfortable and cheap. I paid 14 Euros!
There were six of us Au Pairs. We hopped on the train Saturday at 11 and arrived in Salamanca around 2 in the afternoon. After walking around the city and having lunch we ventured to our hostel where we could drop of our bags, rest and freshen up. Then off to have dinner and go out on the town. We had a great time and met some people from Belgium who had studied in Salamanca the year before, so they were able to show us around and take us to the bars with the best deals.
Salamanca is also famous for "la rana de suerte", the lucky frog. As you enter the entrance to Salamanca University (Universidad Civil) you'll see the enormous facade dominated by the Catholic Monarchs in the center and all kinds of floral designs and skulls around them.
But can you spot the frog?
It is said that if you can spot the frog without any help you'll enjoy good luck and will marry within a year. (Too bad I had help finding the frog ha!)

So with Thanksgiving coming up, (which is obviously not celebrated here in Spain) I have decided to make a green bean casserole and a pumpkin pie for my host family. I am excited to have some good ol' American food! My friends and I are also having our own Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night at our friends apartment. We will each make a bring something. American food here I come!!!
Oh and some great news! The kids(especially Julia) have taken a great liking to me. Mar, my host Mom says that when she picks the kids up in the evening they are always asking about me, telling her they love me and want to see me. All of the sudden I am getting hugs a kisses in abundance. It's a great feeling and makes my job ten times easier! I actually am quite happy here now, but I am counting the days down until Italy!
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